The Other Cat – Apology to a Dinner Guest

Dear Pastor,IMG_1674

I’ve thought long and hard about my behavior the other day when you were a guest in our home. I acted atrociously.  I feel I owe you a sincere apology for my rude and unacceptable behavior. (Mom wrote these first sentences to get me started. ) I’m still not quite sure what I actually did that was egregious enough to get  me shut off from all cat videos for a month. After you left, she had a  very loud conversation with Dad about “His cat”  (that would be yours truly.)  Apparently, from what I heard,  I am no longer going to be allowed downstairs when they have company for dinner because:

  1. IMG_3342I never should have jumped on the dining room table while you were saying grace. I am not a bouquet of flowers. I am not a bowl of fruit. In short, I am not a centerpiece. (Or so I’ve been told on numerous occasions because, yes, this has happened before)
  2. I should not have tried to snatch the meat from your plate. (In my defense, my paws are quite clean. I lick them all the time. Also, I have to share my food with that little, grey tabby. As a result, I’m extremely malnourished. Now, forgive me, but my understanding was that pastors preach about feeding the hungry and I was truly starved. Perhaps you should be more careful about sending out mixed messages.)
  3. I should not have thrown that hissy fit. (Grabbing the tablecloth in my teeth and yanking it off the table was probably not a good exit strategy and with hindsight, it could be viewed as somewhat overly dramatic. All I can say in my defense is “The devil made me do it.”)
  4.  I should not have mistaken your smiling gaze for pity. I often rely on the kindness of strangers and I thought you’d be there for me. (I realized I had misjudged the extent of your empathy while I waited, locked upstairs alone. You never came. And you left without even a “Good-bye”.  The world can be such a cold and cruel place.)      IMG_1665                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I’m truly sorry if I offended you, but dealing with sinners is supposed to be your forte (so I’ve been led to believe). Maybe you could talk to Mom and plead my case. I really miss my cat videos. I’m still not sure what her problem is because I know you’ll come back to visit us again. Mom told Dad that, thanks to me, this could happen on the next cold day in hell. See you this winter!                                                                                                       Roxie aka The Other Cat


74 thoughts on “The Other Cat – Apology to a Dinner Guest

    1. Roxie adores Charley. She can stare into his eyes for ages. He makes up excuses for her reprehensible behavior, hence -“Your cat!” She has another trick they both find totally amusing. She waits until the table is set, jumps up on the sideboard and then takes a flying leap straight across the table and off the other end, carrying everything along with her and the tablecloth. “His Cat!”

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  1. Oh my gosh, this gave me a good chuckle. I’m not a cat person myself (severe allergies to their dander) but my husband has mentioned that I’m much like a cat in my personality so I completely commiserate with your little furry one. 🙂


    1. Ah, someone who gets me. You are invited for dinner at our house any time. I’ll send you a note when Mom & Dad are away for the day. I have a garden snake I’ve been saving as a special gift for Mom, but she is not in my good graces right now. How do you like your snake cooked? I suggest raw because it retains more nutrients. Plus, I’m not allowed to use the microwave since I was caught trying to lure ZuZu into it last week. Your friend, Roxie

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    1. I think you could be on to something with The Other Cat having her own book! I’ve done 5 posts with Roxie and people seem to like them. Roxie, of course, thinks anything that gets her attention is a win/win. Even if it means acting atrocious when guests (aka captive audiences) are present.

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  2. Dear other cat. Guests can be difficult, I know. But your behavior was beyond what can be reasonably forgiven. Nothing but time will heal your transgressions. Perhaps you should get used to missing your videos.

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    1. Does Tigger-Cat have to put up with a little sister who eats bugs and is the favorite child? If so, please give Tigger my sincere condolences. If not, then maybe I could come and stay with you for awhile? Your new best friend, Roxie aka The Other Cat

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      1. You can visit anytime, Roxie! Tigger-Cat has no other feline friends, but there is the dog, Freckles. She can sometimes be a bit overly friendly, but one good swipe at her nose should do the trick. At least, that’s what Tigger-Cat says.

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  3. Ahhh, Roxie, you could be my Mini-me. so good to know there is someone else like me in this world. I’m Cat happy that Ms. T read this, now she knows I’m not the only one with such Purr-sonality.. High fives. Malta

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    1. Dear Malta, my new kindred spirit, I really don’t understand why Mom thinks her Baby ZuZu is so sweet and cannot see the overall cuteness that is me. I am awesome and could definitely use a friend who gets me. PS. How much food do you get every day and do you share it? I may visit next time I’m in the dog house. Love,Roxie aka The Other Cat

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      1. Hi Roxie, Pssst, they call me “garbage disposal.” I am not sure what that is, and they say it a lot! I, too, am a gray tabby like you, only my midsection is bigger than yours! xox Malta.

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      2. Malta, my newest kindred spirit. Mom is doing penance for something and has cut herself off from cat videos. The only one who’s suffering is me! As soon as I escape, I’m heading to your place. Actually, I’m a grey tuxedo and ZuZu is Mom’s little sweetie tabby baby. So, if you look out and see a grey and white tuxedo, that’s me. What’s for lunch?
        PS the term “garbage disposal” isn’t complimentary. I can tell by Mom’s tone of voice when she calls ME that. I’m sensitive to inflections. You have to be around this place!

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      3. Just wanted to make sure that you only let me (the grey & white tuxedo) in and not the bug-eating tabby. You do not want her for your dinner guest. Believe me. She has some really disgusting eating habits. See you very soon. Roxie aka The Other Cat

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      4. My owners gets confused really easily, I think that since she didn’t have human babies she can get away with confusing me and my two bros. Haha, going down the list of names. I will ask her to print this and tape it to the cat door so she will remember which is who. High paws!

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      5. Trudi, Just got back home to RI from South Carolina and what a nice surprise! Give me a bit to get back to you on the reblog. I’ll revisit my posts & send on a note. Thanks, I appreciate it and I’ll pay attention and try to learn how to reblog properly. xox Clare

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      6. I am still learning re-blogging too. Finding I am still a promoter/reader before a blogger/writer. *waaaay before*** 😀
        As I’ve seen it seems the reblogger turns off comments so that the reader goes to original site to comment. I need to do some homework still. I thought to promote the Where to Buy Berkshire Tale, but the re-blog dial isn’t on there. Maybe promote your The Other Cat dialogue and say something about the Where to page. Aaahh me so many choices.. *hugs*

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      7. OK. I think my posts have improved since I took Blogging 101 this July because I happily began sharing with other bloggers. I’ve learned more from them every day with every post I read. So, although my earlier writing centered primarily on reading with children and the settings within A Berkshire Tale, I like the broader perspectives and the photos in my later posts.”Charley -Right To Brag” and “Worst Day, Best Day Ever” are at the top of my list. I’ll go with whichever you choose. Thanks, Trudi.

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      1. Oh, I understand, totally. You are not alone and Roxie can be very convincing. She wants me to write a book about her (She’s not happy about her sister ZuZu’s featured role in my first book, A Berkshire Tale) and she’s built up quite a loyal following among my blogging friends with her Other Cat Posts. She’s also quite addicted to cat videos and has been getting some very bad ideas from the felines she loves to watch. This does not bode well. PS I love your blog.

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  4. ZuZu you are a wicked cat … I find myself nodding in agreement at some of your observations which I really shouldn’t be. As a mummy myself I should be looking stern and disapproving of your disgraceful behaviour. Then again, I was always the mummy that found it hard to keep the stone-face. I look forward to more of your writings – elegantly scribed with your nice clean paws!

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    1. Actually, Roxie is “The Other Cat”. She is quite jealous of her sister ZuZu, who has her own book of adventures, so Roxie has decided to bring her woes to the blogging world in hopes of getting her own book some day. This all came about because people would read my Bio and find I had 2 cats. Invariably they would ask, “What about the other cat?” I finally decided to share Roxie’s quirky personality with them and she seems to have developed a following.


  5. This is so cute. I’d be amazed if any cat actually apologized, even if they were able to speak. They have a bit of attitude about them that might preclude an apology. But that’s why we love them, right? I wish I could have a cat, but my husband is too allergic. I have to live vicariously through others, and I love when they post pics of their cats. I’m a crazy cat lady without a cat. 🙂

    Thanks for visiting my site!

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    1. Carrie – If you read between the lines in Roxie’s blog entries, she never really takes the blame for anything. ZuZu is the bane of her existence (even in real life). We are definitely kindred crazy cat lady spirits. (Just read your post on vaccines and it was spot on. Well done!)


  6. Hello, thanks for visiting my page. I made the public; guess I just was shy for awhile. Listen on the re-blog, I have an idea to promote your book in that.Just so you know I haven’t forgotten ya! xox (can’t wait til you see it). Also, if you have a personal email to see before it goes live, let me know. Or tell me where to find it. 😀

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  7. OMG hilarious! So Roxie is Charley’s cat…oh so that’s how she earned the title The Other Cat…well then I can understand her misunderstood feelings and actions!! Perhaps on that “cold day”…you should plan his visit when Roxie has her cat nap!! 😉

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    1. Roxie is VERY possessive where Charley is concerned.She adores him and does not want to share his attention with anyone. Her perspective on every single situation is steeped in self-absorption, but of course, that’s also her charm.

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      1. Oh, when we got married he had 2 cats and I had 2. They eventually got along fine and lived to be in their 20’s. After they died, we decided to get a few more cats, so ZuZu and Roxie arrived after the marriage. If Roxie had been around, we wouldn’t have stood change!

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      2. Lol!! Wow they lived to be in their 20’s that’s amazing. Still not long enough though…God should have made dogs and cats live for like 50 years…oh good thing Roxie came afterwards then…I thought she came with Charley so you had to accept her…you mean you chose her…tee hee… 😉

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      3. We actually were going to adopt ZuZu and the other two cats who were born with her in the barn, but they were eaten by a fisher cat. Roxie was living with 3 dogs and her owners felt she needed a better environment and so they brought her to us! We didn’t want ZuZu to be an only child so we took her in and life has never been the same around here.

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      4. Ewww that’s awful!!! Poor babies. Or was it the owners’ dogs felt they needed a better environment…hee hee. Look at all the wonderful stories they have both brought to your life! God is good… 🙂

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